The General Staircase takes its name from the paintings of the former commandants of the military academy that were placed here.
In recent times, a tradition has developed that the picture of the first commandant - Field Marshal Daun - remains in his place, and that of the last commandant is to be hung on his left side. All other pictures are arranged chronologically along the stairs. To the left and right of the entrance there are two marble plaques showing the names of all commanders.

The bust in the former chapel room shows Emperor Franz Joseph I. It is made of cast iron and used to stand in front of the Cadet´s School in Trieste. After it was abandoned, it was moved to Wiener Neustadt in 1908.
The bust in the former chapel room shows Emperor Franz Joseph I. It is made of cast iron and used to stand in front of the Cadet´s School in Trieste. After it was abandoned, it was moved to Wiener Neustadt in 1908.
Where the staircase is today, there was once the chapel of the Holy Name of God. Only the vault in the vestibule has been preserved. The keystone shows the fire-breathing panther, the heraldic animal of Styria. If you pass through the chapel of St. Corpus Christi, you reach the former outer wall of the apse, which used to rise above the city wall. Due to the additions in the Theresian period, this part moved to the middle of the east wing.